Friday, April 8, 2011

Say Cheese Goob.

Goob has the cutest smile.

The Flanimal Of The Day.The Puddloflaj.

The Puddloflaj is a cowardly wobbler that spends its days avoiding the Grundit.The Puddloflaj looks like a useless fat blob.  It actually doesn't have an ounce of fat on it-it's water retention.  In fact it's nearly 100% water,sort of like filling a balloon from a tap.  Baby Puddloflaj can be used as water bombs.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Flanimal Of The Day.The Coddleflop

The Coddleflop slurdles around absorbing stains and puddles.Its only defense is to flip over to protect its soft top.
Unfortunately its bottom is equally soft and is instantly squashed if trodden on.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lucky's Cooling Off

After a nice walk, Lucky loves to lay on the floor.

Say Hello To Yoshi

Meet Yoshi our pet turtle. We got Yoshi a year ago. He has a red belly.

Happy Birthday Lucky!

Lucky just turned 2 on march 8th!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Remembering Our First Dog Chloe.

This was our very first dog back in Oklahoma... "chloe!" She was a very soft beagle mix, but was too energetic and scared us at the time. Chloe ran away into a field and never came back. We think she followed a rabbit and got lost.