Monday, December 21, 2009

Two New Uglies to Our Collection!

The two largest and ugliest Christmas presents this year came from Grandma and Grandpa Hicks. WE LOVE THEM! Jason got a blue Fea-Bea and Anna got a big green Ox. They are special 2' Ugly Dolls.

Jason and Anna
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Friday, December 18, 2009

Lucky Likes to Ride!

Lucky on a recent trip back to visit family in Oklahoma. He does so great in the SUV that we want to take I'm everywhere we go!

Jason and Anna

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Welcome to Puglyville!

This is our blog about our Chinese Pug, "Lucky." We will also post on all things that involve pugs, UglyDolls, and Flaminals. Have fun following us at Puglyville!

Jason & Anna Hicks